Narayanan's Differential Gene Expression Analysis


Teaching: 0 min
Exercises: 0 min
  • How do I find genes differentially expressed between treatment groups?

  • To check for sample mixup in data.

  • To identify genes differentially expressed between treatment groups.

  • To describe the effect of sample size on differential gene expression analysis.

One of the most common applications of RNA sequencing technology is to identify genes that are differentially expressed between sample groups, for example, between wild type and mutant, or between tumor and normal samples. Count data report the number of sequence reads (fragments) assigned to each gene, which describes the expression abundance of a gene. Similar data can be found in ChIP-Seq, HiC, shRNA screening, or mass spectrometry experiments.

Once we have aligned sequence reads and have quantified expression, we can continue the pipeline with differential expression analysis. We will use read counts at the gene level and the R package DESeq2, among other packages.

We will use quantified total liver gene expression data from 192 male and female Diversity Outbred (DO) mice Chick, J.M., et al. (2016) Nature 534(7608):500-505. Half of the animals were fed a standard rodent chow diet, and the other half fed a high-fat diet.

R Libraries and Data Import

Load packages

Load the R libraries needed for the differential expression analysis.


Attaching package: 'limma'
The following object is masked from 'package:DESeq2':

The following object is masked from 'package:BiocGenerics':


Load gene information

Load the data file containing basic gene information used in the analysis.


Load R Data files

Load the R data files containing expression data and experimental design information needed for doing differential expression analysis.


Explore the data

We loaded in several data objects. Look in the Environment pane to see what was loaded. You should see objects containing annotations, covariates, and expression. In this episode we will work with expression and covariates for RNA data (i.e. expr.rna.192.rawcounts, covariates.rna.192,), rather than protein data.

Click on the triangle to the left of expr.rna.192.rawcounts in the Environment pane to view its contents. Click on the name expr.rna.192.rawcounts to view the first several rows.

Let’s look at the dimensions of the raw read counts.


The raw read count data has 192 rows representing animals, and 21122 columns of genes.

Challenge 1 Explore the covariates

Explore the covariates for the RNA data.
1). How many rows are there? How many columns?
2). What variables are in the rows? the columns?

Solution to Challenge 1

1). dim(covariates.rna.192) 192 rows, 6 columns.
2). dimnames(covariates.rna.192) The mouse IDs are in rows, and column variables include sex, diet, Sdinteraction, batch, generation, and coat color.

Data munging

Let us munge the data :-)

# Transpose the raw read counts so that genes are in rows and animal IDs are in columns
exp_all= t(expr.rna.192.rawcounts)
# Create a new data frame composed of animal IDs and covariate data for the experimental design
exp_design=data.frame(Sample_ID=rownames(covariates.rna.192),covariates.rna.192,stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
# Take a quick look at these new data structures
# Re-define the experiment design data by selecting diet and sex along with animal ID
exp_design=covariates.rna.192  %>% 
        select(Diet,Sex) %>%   rownames_to_column('Sample_ID')
Error in (function (classes, fdef, mtable) : unable to find an inherited method for function 'select' for signature '"data.frame"'
### print the first several rows of the experiment design
     Sample_ID Sex Diet Sdinteraction Batch   Gen Coat.Color
F326      F326   F chow             1     2 G11L1      black
F327      F327   F chow             1     2 G11L1      black
F328      F328   F chow             1     2 G11L1      white
F329      F329   F chow             1     2 G11L1     agouti
F330      F330   F chow             1     2 G11L1     agouti
F331      F331   F chow             1     2 G11L1      black

Let us check the samples in the expression data and design data are in the same order.


Challenge 2 Familiarize yourself with the data

1). Find the number of samples in the data set.
2). Find the number of genes in the study.

Solution to Challenge 2

1). 2).

A quick check for sample mixup

Let us do a quick sample mixup check using Xist gene expression. Xist is non-coding RNA expressed in females.

Let us plot Xist expression in all samples against sex.

plot_exp <- function(exp_design, gexp, g_id, g_info, variable="Sex"){
      # plots gene expression (raw) counts by Sex variable
      # Arguments:
      #    exp_design: experimental design data frame containing
      #                sample IDs, Diet and Sex information           
      #    gexp:       gene expression data  
      #    g_id:       ensembl gene ID
      #    variable:   variable to plot
      # Output:
      #     gene expression plot 
      if (g_id %in% rownames(gexp)){
        g_ind = which(as.vector(g_info$gene_id)==g_id)
        g_name = as.vector(g_info$gene_name)[g_ind]
        chro = as.vector(g_info$chr)[g_ind]
        g_index = which(rownames(gexp)==g_id)
        exp_data= data.frame(exp_design, 
        if (variable=="Sex"){
            p <- ggplot(exp_data,aes(x=Sex,y=exp)) 
            p <- p + geom_point(position = position_jitter(width = 0.2),size=3,
                    aes(colour = Sex))
            p <- ggplot(exp_data,aes(x=Diet,y=exp)) 
            p <- p + geom_point(position = position_jitter(width = 0.2),size=3,
                    aes(colour = Diet))
        p <- p + stat_summary(fun.y=mean, geom="point", shape=5, size=4)
        p <- p + ylab("Gene Expression (Read Counts)")
        p <- p + theme(axis.text=element_text(size=12),
                                        colour = "blue"),
                plot.title = element_text(size = rel(1.5)))
        p <- p + ggtitle(paste0(g_id,": ",g_name," Chr",chro))
        print(paste0(gene_id, " not expressed"))
### Xist ensembl ID
### plot Xist expression by Sex using the function
plot_exp(exp_design, exp_all, gene_id,gene_info)

plot of chunk check_xist

plot_exp(exp_design, exp_all, gene_id,gene_info,variable="Diet")

plot of chunk check_xist

plot_exp(exp_design, exp_all, gene_id, gene_info)

plot of chunk check_xist

Challenge 3 Plot your favorite gene

Pick your favorite gene (by ensembl ID) and plot its expression by:
1). sex.
2). diet.

Solution to Challenge 3

1). 2).

Differential Expression Analysis with three samples in each group

Let us start with an example identifying the genes that are differentially expressed between two diets Chow and High fat.

Let us first get the sample IDs (mouse IDs).

male_chow_ids= exp_design %>% filter(Sex=='M' & Diet=='chow') %>% pull(Sample_ID) 
male_hf_ids = exp_design %>% filter(Sex=='M' & Diet=='HF') %>% pull(Sample_ID)

To make the example simple, let us subset our expression data such that we have 3 Male DO mice under Chow diet and 3 DO mice under High Fat diet.

sampleSize = 3

Later on we will see the effect of sample size by changing it to 10.

diet_3 = c(male_chow_ids[1:sampleSize],male_hf_ids[1:sampleSize])
exp_design_diet_3 = exp_design %>% filter(Sample_ID %in% diet_3)
[1] TRUE
                        M326        M327      M328      M351      M352
ENSMUSG00000051951    2.0000    0.000000    0.0000    1.0000    1.0000
ENSMUSG00000025902   28.0000   30.000000   22.0000   29.0000   29.0000
ENSMUSG00000098104    0.0000    1.025781    0.0000    0.0000    0.0000
ENSMUSG00000033845  705.0000  634.006421  630.0000  455.9880  493.0000
ENSMUSG00000025903 2637.2729 2587.214344 2470.1066 1734.1035 2078.5513
ENSMUSG00000033813  978.4619 1108.673719  853.0824  652.5509  806.0604
ENSMUSG00000051951    1.0000
ENSMUSG00000025902   40.0000
ENSMUSG00000098104    0.0000
ENSMUSG00000033845  570.9945
ENSMUSG00000025903 2393.5206
ENSMUSG00000033813  676.5410
[1] 21122     6

Let us filter out genes with zero and low expression.

threshold = 200
exp_mat_diet_3= %>%
    rownames_to_column('gene_id') %>%
    filter(rowSums(.[,2:7], na.rm=TRUE)>threshold) %>%

Differential expression analysis with DESeq2

Let us create data frames for DESeq2 object

### colData contains the condition/group information for Differenetial expression analysis
colData <- DataFrame(group = factor(exp_design_diet_3$Diet))
### Create DESeq2 object using expression and colData
dds_3reps <- DESeqDataSetFromMatrix(countData =,
         colData = colData, design = ~ group)
converting counts to integer mode
dds_3reps <- DESeq(dds_3reps)
estimating size factors
estimating dispersions
gene-wise dispersion estimates
mean-dispersion relationship
final dispersion estimates
fitting model and testing
res_3reps = results(dds_3reps)
resOrdered_3reps <- res_3reps[order(res_3reps$padj),]
log2 fold change (MLE): group HF vs chow 
Wald test p-value: group HF vs chow 
DataFrame with 6 rows and 6 columns
                    baseMean log2FoldChange     lfcSE      stat
                   <numeric>      <numeric> <numeric> <numeric>
ENSMUSG00000073940 315.30932       2.373692 0.2394648  9.912490
ENSMUSG00000031906 260.66920       4.267082 0.4355568  9.796842
ENSMUSG00000068037  90.69700       3.130446 0.3618463  8.651314
ENSMUSG00000071176 101.04051       2.402549 0.2852567  8.422413
ENSMUSG00000052305 832.10546       2.163156 0.2817990  7.676237
ENSMUSG00000005220  76.79766       4.457200 0.5914271  7.536347
                         pvalue         padj
                      <numeric>    <numeric>
ENSMUSG00000073940 3.673735e-23 4.093275e-19
ENSMUSG00000031906 1.161600e-22 6.471275e-19
ENSMUSG00000068037 5.090991e-18 1.890794e-14
ENSMUSG00000071176 3.688093e-17 1.027318e-13
ENSMUSG00000052305 1.638293e-14 3.650772e-11
ENSMUSG00000005220 4.833183e-14 8.975221e-11

DE Analysis summary with 3 samples per group

### summary of Differential Expression analysis

out of 11188 with nonzero total read count
adjusted p-value < 0.1
LFC > 0 (up)     : 275, 2.5% 
LFC < 0 (down)   : 193, 1.7% 
outliers [1]     : 46, 0.41% 
low counts [2]   : 0, 0% 
(mean count < 32)
[1] see 'cooksCutoff' argument of ?results
[2] see 'independentFiltering' argument of ?results
sig_genes_3reps = %>% 
                  rownames_to_column('gene_id') %>%
                  filter(padj<0.1) %>% pull(gene_id)
[1] 468

P-value histogram

Let us plot the histogram of p-values. The p-value histogram is a good diagnostic test for the differential expression analysis.

hist(res_3reps$pvalue,breaks=100,col="grey",ylim=c(0,800), xlab="p-value",main="p-value histogram: 3 Samples per group")

plot of chunk pval_hist

Top differentially expressed genes

### helper functions to get gene information for a gene
### plot DESEQ2 object
deseq_gene_exp_plot <- function(deseq_obj, g_id, g_info){
      # plots gene expression counts by group variable
      # used in DESEQ2 object
      # Arguments:
      #    deseq_obj: DESEQ2 object
      #    g_id:      ensembl gene ID
      #    g_info:    gene information dataframe
      # Output:
      #     gene expression plot 
      g_ind = which(as.vector(g_info$gene_id)==g_id)
      g_name = as.vector(g_info$gene_name)[g_ind]
      chro = as.vector(g_info$chr)[g_ind]
      data <- plotCounts(deseq_obj, gene=g_id, intgroup=c("group"), returnData=TRUE)
      p <- ggplot(data, aes(x=group, y=count, color=group))
      p <- p+ ggtitle(paste0(g_id,": ",g_name," Chr",chro))
      p <- p+ geom_point(position=position_jitter(width=.1,height=0), size=3)
      p <- p + theme(axis.text=element_text(size=12),              axis.title=element_text(size=20,face="bold", colour = "blue"), 
            plot.title = element_text(size=rel(1.5)))
top_genes= rownames(resOrdered_3reps[1:n,])
for (i in 1:length(top_genes)){
  g_id = top_genes[i]
  deseq_gene_exp_plot(dds_3reps, g_id, gene_info)

plot of chunk top_gene_plotsplot of chunk top_gene_plotsplot of chunk top_gene_plots

Differential Expression Analysis with ten samples in each diet group

diet_10 = c(male_chow_ids[1:sampleSize],male_hf_ids[1:sampleSize])
exp_design_diet_10 = exp_design %>% filter(Sample_ID %in% diet_10)
  Sample_ID Sex Diet Sdinteraction Batch   Gen Coat.Color
1      M326   M chow             3     2 G11L1      black
2      M327   M chow             3     2 G11L1     agouti
3      M328   M chow             3     2 G11L1     agouti
4      M329   M chow             3     2 G11L1     agouti
5      M330   M chow             3     2 G11L1     agouti
6      M331   M chow             3     2 G11L1      white
[1] 21122    20
                        M326        M327      M328        M329      M330
ENSMUSG00000051951    2.0000    0.000000    0.0000    0.000000    0.0000
ENSMUSG00000025902   28.0000   30.000000   22.0000   19.000000   27.0000
ENSMUSG00000098104    0.0000    1.025781    0.0000    1.019187    0.0000
ENSMUSG00000033845  705.0000  634.006421  630.0000  626.000000  692.9662
ENSMUSG00000025903 2637.2729 2587.214344 2470.1066 2718.405256 2227.8115
ENSMUSG00000033813  978.4619 1108.673719  853.0824  958.614174 1122.8894
                          M331        M332      M333      M334        M335
ENSMUSG00000051951    2.000001    0.000000    0.0000    0.0000    0.000000
ENSMUSG00000025902   47.000000   36.000000   25.0000   33.0000   30.000000
ENSMUSG00000098104    1.028640    1.024341    0.0000    0.0000    1.035665
ENSMUSG00000033845  689.000000  654.007901  469.0000  671.9106  580.276460
ENSMUSG00000025903 2764.053805 2341.896904 1942.3996 2471.8835 2538.717853
ENSMUSG00000033813  908.940465  809.121005  661.0976 1196.1387 1066.312021
                        M351      M352      M353      M354      M355
ENSMUSG00000051951    1.0000    1.0000    1.0000    0.0000    2.0000
ENSMUSG00000025902   29.0000   29.0000   40.0000   14.0000   35.0000
ENSMUSG00000098104    0.0000    0.0000    0.0000    0.0000    0.0000
ENSMUSG00000033845  455.9880  493.0000  570.9945  375.0000  620.8904
ENSMUSG00000025903 1734.1035 2078.5513 2393.5206 1720.1728 2459.1403
ENSMUSG00000033813  652.5509  806.0604  676.5410  613.6654  735.8207
                        M356        M357      M358      M359      M360
ENSMUSG00000051951    3.0000    0.999999    0.0000    0.0000    1.0000
ENSMUSG00000025902   30.0000   36.000000   16.0000   31.0000   24.0000
ENSMUSG00000098104    0.0000    1.228979    0.0000    0.0000    0.0000
ENSMUSG00000033845  687.0000  530.000001  442.4729  566.9779  450.0000
ENSMUSG00000025903 2707.5965 2698.606475 2272.8827 2322.0693 1940.4030
ENSMUSG00000033813  825.2811  960.904946  758.7697  843.7344  759.9141
[1] TRUE

Let us filter out genes with zero and low expression (less than 5 read counts) in 50% of the samples.

threshold = 2000
exp_mat_diet_10= %>%
    rownames_to_column('gene_id') %>%
    filter(rowSums(.[,2:ncol(exp_diet_10)+1], na.rm=TRUE)>threshold) %>%

Let us create data frames for DESeq2 object

### colData contains the condition/group information for Differenetial expression analysis
colData <- DataFrame(group = factor(exp_design_diet_10$Diet))
### Create DESeq2 object using expression and colData
dds_10reps <- DESeqDataSetFromMatrix(countData =,
         colData = colData, design = ~ group)
converting counts to integer mode
dds_10reps <- estimateSizeFactors(dds_10reps)
counts_10reps= counts(dds_10reps, normalized=TRUE)
dds_10reps <- DESeq(dds_10reps)
using pre-existing size factors
estimating dispersions
gene-wise dispersion estimates
mean-dispersion relationship
final dispersion estimates
fitting model and testing
-- replacing outliers and refitting for 20 genes
-- DESeq argument 'minReplicatesForReplace' = 7 
-- original counts are preserved in counts(dds)
estimating dispersions
fitting model and testing
res_10reps = results(dds_10reps)
resOrdered_10reps <- res_10reps[order(res_10reps$padj),]
top_genes= rownames(resOrdered_10reps[1:n,])
for (i in 1:length(top_genes)){
  g_id = top_genes[i]
  deseq_gene_exp_plot(dds_10reps, g_id, gene_info)

plot of chunk top_gene_plots_10plot of chunk top_gene_plots_10plot of chunk top_gene_plots_10

Differential Gene Expression Analysis Summary

P-value histogram comparison

hist(res_10reps$pvalue,breaks=100,col="grey", xlab="p-value",ylim=c(0,1000), main="p-value histogram: 10 Samples per group")
hist(res_3reps$pvalue,breaks=100,ylim=c(0,1000),col="grey", xlab="p-value",main="p-value histogram: 3 Samples per group")

plot of chunk pval_hist_10

#rld_10reps <- rlog(dds_10reps, blind = FALSE)
#plotPCA(rld_10reps, intgroup = c("Diet"))

DESEQ2 Summary: 3 samples per group

### summary of Differential Expression analysis

out of 11188 with nonzero total read count
adjusted p-value < 0.1
LFC > 0 (up)     : 275, 2.5% 
LFC < 0 (down)   : 193, 1.7% 
outliers [1]     : 46, 0.41% 
low counts [2]   : 0, 0% 
(mean count < 32)
[1] see 'cooksCutoff' argument of ?results
[2] see 'independentFiltering' argument of ?results

DESEQ2 Summary: 10 samples per group

### summary of Differential Expression analysis

out of 8728 with nonzero total read count
adjusted p-value < 0.1
LFC > 0 (up)     : 496, 5.7% 
LFC < 0 (down)   : 406, 4.7% 
outliers [1]     : 0, 0% 
low counts [2]   : 0, 0% 
(mean count < 20)
[1] see 'cooksCutoff' argument of ?results
[2] see 'independentFiltering' argument of ?results
sig_genes_10reps = %>% 
                  rownames_to_column('gene_id') %>%
                  filter(padj<0.1) %>% pull(gene_id)
[1] 902
length(union(sig_genes_10reps, sig_genes_3reps))
[1] 1237
length(intersect(sig_genes_10reps, sig_genes_3reps))
[1] 133
# Combining the two above..
comb <- unique(c(sig_genes_10reps, sig_genes_3reps))
[1] 1237
# Comparing comb with the above two
sig_genes_10reps_2 <- comb %in% sig_genes_10reps
sig_genes_3reps_2 <- comb %in% sig_genes_3reps

# Generating venn counts to plot venn diagram
sig_genes <- cbind(sig_genes_10reps_2, sig_genes_3reps_2)
     sig_genes_10reps_2 sig_genes_3reps_2
[1,]               TRUE             FALSE
[2,]               TRUE             FALSE
[3,]               TRUE             FALSE
[4,]               TRUE             FALSE
[5,]               TRUE             FALSE
[6,]               TRUE              TRUE
sig_genes_counts <- vennCounts(sig_genes)

vennDiagram(sig_genes_counts, cex = 1,names = c("10 reps","3 reps"), circle.col = c("red", "blue"))

plot of chunk res_summary_10

Key Points

  • Non-coding RNA can be used to check for sample mixups in RNA sequencing data.