Differential Expression Testing
Last updated on 2024-10-01 | Edit this page
Estimated time: 50 minutes
- How can we assess region-specific gene expression using differential expression?
- How can we assess spatially varying gene expression using spatial statistics?
- Identify differentially expressed genes across different layers defined by expert annotations.
- Utilize the Moran’s I statistic to find spatially variable genes.
- Explore the relationship between layer-specific genes identified by differential expression and spatially varying genes identified by Moran’s I.
Spot-level Differential Expression Across Annotated Regions
We will begin by performing differential expression (DE) across the
annotated layers. We will use the source publication’s spot annotation,
which is stored in the layer_guess
column of the metadata.
As a reminder, those look like:
SpatialDimPlotColorSafe(sct_st[, !is.na(sct_st[[]]$layer_guess)],
"layer_guess") +
labs(fill = "Layer")
We identify genes that are upregulated in each annotated brain region
using the FindAllMarkers
function in Seurat. This performs a “one versus rest” comparison of a
gene’s expression in one region relative to that gene’s expression in
all other regions. The default test used here, the Wilcoxon Rank Sum
test, will use an efficient implementation within the presto
library, if installed. The speedup over the default implementation is
substantial, and we highly recommend installing presto
using Seurat v5, which leverages it.
Idents(sct_st) <- "layer_guess"
de_genes <- FindAllMarkers(sct_st,
assay = "SCT",
verbose = FALSE,
only.pos = TRUE,
min.pct = 0.25,
logfc.threshold = 0.25)
The resulting table indicates DE p-values and adjusted p-values for each gene, along with the percentage of spots in which the gene was detected (pct.1) in the corresponding cluster and the percentage of spots in which it was detected in all other clusters (pct.2):
p_val avg_log2FC pct.1 pct.2 p_val_adj cluster gene
MT-CO1 7.105768e-163 0.3732786 1.000 1.000 1.278754e-158 Layer3 MT-CO1
ENC1 1.654660e-142 0.8693181 0.998 0.929 2.977725e-138 Layer3 ENC1
MT-ATP6 6.825005e-127 0.3333658 1.000 1.000 1.228228e-122 Layer3 MT-ATP6
MT-CYB 8.895560e-118 0.3290618 1.000 1.000 1.600845e-113 Layer3 MT-CYB
MT-CO2 3.349139e-116 0.2869993 1.000 1.000 6.027110e-112 Layer3 MT-CO2
MT-CO3 5.357942e-105 0.2766345 1.000 1.000 9.642152e-101 Layer3 MT-CO3
It is not uncommon to have pathologist annotations of regions. The Visium assay is performed on a tissue that is also stained for hematoxylin and eosin (H&E) – a routine practice in pathology for diagnosing cancer, for example. A pathologist could manually annotate this H&E image using a histology viewer, such as QuPath.
Spot-level Differential Expression Across Clusters
In cases where we do not have expert annotations, we could perform the analysis above across clusters. Indeed, this is often the first step to interpreting a cluster – comparing its marker genes to those of regions expected within the tissue. It is important to remember, however, that these markers are for clusters of spots – aggregations of cells – not individual cells, as would be the case in scRNA-seq. Those aggregations may be of cells with similar types, in which case analysis may be similar to that of scRNA-seq, or of different cell types, in which case the interpretation would be quite different than with scRNA-seq. Let’s try this.
First, let’s remind ourselves what the clusters look like:
SpatialDimPlotColorSafe(sct_st, "seurat_clusters") +
labs(fill = "Cluster")
Now, we will use nearly identical code as above to perform the
differential expression analysis. We only change each cell’s identity
class with the Idents
function, to associate each cell with its cluster.
Idents(sct_st) <- "seurat_clusters"
de_genes_cluster <- FindAllMarkers(sct_st,
assay = "SCT",
verbose = FALSE,
only.pos = TRUE,
min.pct = 0.25,
logfc.threshold = 0.25)
Let’s visualize the overlap between genes differentially expressed across annotated layers and those differentially expressed across clusters. We will do so using a confusion matrix.
de_genes_all <- merge(subset(de_genes, p_val_adj < 0.05),
subset(de_genes_cluster, p_val_adj < 0.05),
by=c("gene"), all=TRUE,
suffixes = c(".anno", ".cluster"))
layer.order <- c("WM", "Layer1", "Layer2", "Layer3", "Layer4",
"Layer5", "Layer6")
df <- as.data.frame(table(de_genes_all$cluster.anno,
colnames(df) <- c("de.anno", "de.cluster", "Freq")
df$de.anno <- factor(df$de.anno, levels = c("NA", layer.order))
df$de.cluster <- factor(df$de.cluster)
ggplot(data = df, aes(x = de.anno, y = de.cluster, fill = Freq)) +
geom_tile() +
theme(text = element_text(size = 20),
axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 45, vjust = 1, hjust=1)) +
xlab("Annotation-based DE Genes") + ylab("Cluster-based DE Genes")
The above plot shows only marginal overlap between the annotation-derived DE genes on the x axis and the cluster-derived DE genes on the y axis. This might indicate that the two approaches are complementary. In fact, they could be used in conjunction. We could have performed clustering within the annotated regions to assess intra-layer heterogeneity.
Moran’s I Statistic
We next consider an alternative to the above approaches that both rely on defined regions – be they defined from expert annotation or via clustering. Instead, we will apply the Moran’s I statistic. Moran’s I is a measure used to assess spatial autocorrelation in data, indicating whether similar values of a feature (e.g., expression levels of a gene) are clustered, dispersed, or random (Jackson, et al. 2010). These correspond to Moran’s I values that are positive, negative, or near zero, respectively.
![Moran's I statistic quantifies spatial correlation.](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/f/f0/Moran%27s_I_example.png)
Image by WikiNukalito, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons.
Here, we can apply it to detect genes whose expression patterns exhibit spatial structure, which may reflect region-specific, biological function. That is, we anticipate that spatially variable genes will exhibit region-specific expression. Let’s check that hypothesis by first computing spatially variable genes and then assessing whether they are differentially expressed across regions.
Spatial Differential Expression Using Moran’s I
We identify the genes whose expression patterns exhibit clear spatial
structure using Moran’s I algorithm, as implemented in FindSpatiallyVariableFeatures
We have selected the top 1,000 genes, which should be sufficient to
identify brain regions. The following will take several minutes to
svg <-
assay = "SCT",
features = VariableFeatures(sct_st)[1:1000],
selection.method = "moransi")
returns a Seurat object,
populated with Moran’s I-derived results. Normally, we would use the SpatiallyVariableFeatures
function to query those results. But, there is a bug in that function as
described in
Seurat’s issue pages. So, instead we will manually extract the top
100 ranked spatially variable genes, along with their Moran’s I values
and associated p-values:
# Get and sort 'MoransI_observed' values
morans_i_genes <- svg@assays[["SCT"]]@meta.features %>%
rownames_to_column("gene") %>%
arrange(desc(MoransI_observed)) %>%
slice_head(n = 100)
gene MoransI_observed MoransI_p.value moransi.spatially.variable
1 MBP 0.6824006 0.0009756098 TRUE
2 PLP1 0.6075391 0.0009756098 TRUE
3 MT-CO1 0.5627272 0.0009756098 TRUE
4 MOBP 0.5447334 0.0009756098 TRUE
5 GFAP 0.5407996 0.0009756098 TRUE
6 CNP 0.5249332 0.0009756098 TRUE
1 1
2 2
3 3
4 4
5 5
6 6
Correlation of Region-specific Differentially Expressed Genes and Spatially Variable Genes
Heatmap of Differential Expression
As a sanity check of both the region-specific differential expression and the Moran’s I approaches, let’s check our hypothesis that spatially variable genes are likely to show regional differential expression. To do this, we will plot a heatmap of the differential expression p-values for the top 100 spatially variable genes, organized by brain region.
# Merge the Moran's I values with the DE genes
df <- merge(morans_i_genes, de_genes, all.x = TRUE, by = "gene")
df <- subset(df, !is.na(cluster))
# We will plot the -log2 pvalues. Compute this and adjust for taking
# log of 0.
df$log_p_val_adj <- -log2(df$p_val_adj)
df$log_p_val_adj[is.infinite(df$log_p_val_adj)] <-
# Create a matrix whose rows are the spatially variable genes
# (indicated by Moran's I), whose columns are the clusters, and whose
# entries are the adjusted DE pvalue for the corresponding gene and cluster.
p_val_adj_matrix <- df %>%
select(gene, cluster,log_p_val_adj) %>%
pivot_wider(names_from = cluster,
values_from = log_p_val_adj,
values_fill = 0) %>%
column_to_rownames("gene") %>%
# Order the regions according to their spatial organization from
# inner to outer layers
p_val_adj_matrix <- p_val_adj_matrix[, layer.order]
# Create a heatmap of the DE p-values of spatially variable genes
column_title = "Heatmap of DE p-values of spatially variable genes",
name = "DE -log2(p-values)", # Title for the heatmap legend
row_title = "Spatially variable genes",
cluster_rows = TRUE,
cluster_columns = FALSE,
show_row_names = FALSE,
show_column_names = TRUE,
show_row_dend = FALSE,
show_column_dend = TRUE)
The heatmap visualization reveals a key finding of our analysis: genes displaying the highest Moran’s I values show distinct expression patterns that align with specific brain regions identified through expert annotations. This observation underscores the spatial correlation of gene expression, highlighting its potential relevance in understanding regional brain functions and pathologies.
Differential Expression Analysis for Multiple Samples
Till now we have explored spot-level analysis within one sample. However, most studies (including the published one that furnished the data we used here) include multiple samples. This has some similarities to single cell-level DE analysis in scRNA-seq. In the scRNA-seq setting, several studies, including one by Squair, et al., have emphasized drawbacks of performing DE on individual cells. Single-cell DE may be caused by technical variability across single cells, biological variability that may not be of interest across conditions studied (e.g., transcriptional bursting), or simply by the large number of individual cells that inflate false positives. One solution is to perform pseudobulking of the scRNA-seq and then to use conventional bulk RNA-seq DE tools (e.g., DESeq2) to compare the pseudobulks. A Seurat vignette describing the approach for scRNA-seq should likewise be applicable for spatial transcriptomics. However, we note the caveat that spots are not cells – the former may have considerably more intra- and inter-spot biological heterogeneity. Hence, pseudobulking should be done with caution.
We selected one sample from each subject (151508
, and 151673
), as detailed in the
referenced study (Maynard et al, Nat
Neurosci 24, 425–436 (2021)). This selection allows us to analyze
the consistency of differential expression across individuals while
accounting for subject-specific batch effects. We start by loading our
# Define the list of selected sample IDs
selected_samples <- c("151508", "151669","151673")
# Initialize an empty list to store Seurat objects
st_objects <- list()
# Loop over each sample ID to process the corresponding data
for (sample_id in selected_samples) {
# Construct the directory and filename for data loading
data_dir <- paste0("./data/", sample_id)
filename <- paste0(sample_id, "_filtered_feature_bc_matrix.h5")
# Load the spatial transcriptomics data for the current sample
st_obj <- Load10X_Spatial(data.dir = data_dir, filename = filename)
# Read in the tissue spot positions from the CSV file
tissue_positions_file <- paste0(data_dir, "/spatial/tissue_positions_list.csv")
tissue_position <- read_csv(tissue_positions_file,
col_names = FALSE, show_col_types = FALSE) %>%
# Define column names for the tissue position data
colnames(tissue_position) <- c("in_tissue", "array_row", "array_col",
"pxl_row_in_fullres", "pxl_col_in_fullres")
# Align spot barcodes between the Seurat object and the tissue position metadata
tissue_position <- tissue_position[Cells(st_obj),]
stopifnot(rownames(tissue_position) == Cells(st_obj))
# Add the aligned tissue position metadata to the Seurat object
st_obj <- AddMetaData(object = st_obj, metadata = tissue_position)
# Additionally we add the "layer_guess" and "cell-count" metadata
spot_metadata <- read.table("./data/spot-meta.tsv", sep="\t")
# Subset to our sample
spot_metadata <- subset(spot_metadata, sample_name == sample_id)
rownames(spot_metadata) <- spot_metadata$barcode
stopifnot(all(Cells(st_obj) %in% rownames(spot_metadata)))
spot_metadata <- spot_metadata[Cells(st_obj),]
st_obj <- AddMetaData(object = st_obj,
metadata = spot_metadata[, c("layer_guess", "cell_count"), drop=FALSE])
# Store the updated Seurat object in the list, using the sample ID as the key
st_objects[[sample_id]] <- st_obj
Now, st_objects variable contains all the Seurat objects for each selected sample, indexed by their respective sample IDs.
Batch correction Analysis
When working with multiple samples, batch effects can introduce technical variability that may confound biological signals. Batch correction methods can help mitigate these effects. In this section, we perform pseudobulk analysis and apply PCA to visualize any potential batch effects across layers.
# Initialize an empty list to store pseudobulked Seurat objects
pseudobulked_objs <- list()
# Pseudobulk each selected sample by aggregating expression within annotated layers
for (i in selected_samples) {
pseudobulk_seurat <- AggregateExpression(st_objects[[i]],
assays = 'Spatial',
return.seurat = TRUE,
group.by = 'layer_guess')
pseudobulk_seurat@meta.data$sample <- names(st_objects[i])
pseudobulk_seurat@meta.data$layer <- colnames(pseudobulk_seurat@assays[["Spatial"]])
# Store the pseudobulked Seurat object in the list
pseudobulked_objs[[i]] <- pseudobulk_seurat
# Merge all pseudobulked Seurat objects into a single Seurat object
merged_pseudobulk <- Reduce(function(x, y) merge(x, y), pseudobulked_objs)
# Normalize, find variable features, and scale the data
merged_pseudobulk <- NormalizeData(merged_pseudobulk, normalization.method = "LogNormalize", scale.factor = 1e6)
merged_pseudobulk <- FindVariableFeatures(merged_pseudobulk)
merged_pseudobulk <- ScaleData(merged_pseudobulk)
# Run PCA on the merged pseudobulked data
merged_pseudobulk <- RunPCA(merged_pseudobulk, features = VariableFeatures(object = merged_pseudobulk), npcs = 2)
To assess the presence of batch effects, we visualize the PCA results. Ideally, the samples should cluster by layer rather than by sample, indicating that batch effects are not a significant concern.
# Visualize PCA grouped by layer with increased point size and different shapes
PCAPlot_layer_symbol <- DimPlot(merged_pseudobulk, reduction = "pca", shape.by = "sample", pt.size = 3) +
theme(legend.position = "right") +
ggtitle("PCA Plot Annotated by Layer (Shapes)")
The PCA plot indeed shows that the dots are clustered by layer rather than by sample, validating that the layers are the primary source of variation, rather than differences between samples from different subjects.
If the dots were instead clustered by sample rather than by layer, it
would indicate the presence of batch effects. In bulk or single-cell
RNA-seq studies, batch effects would typically be mitigated by applying
regression-based tools such as Harmony
or by incorporating a batch factor in a linear modeling framework
(e.g., of DESeq2). Those approaches could be applied to spatial
transcriptomics data, as well.
Pseudobulk Analysis with DESeq2
Pseudobulk analysis allows for the aggregation of single-cell or spot-level data into larger groups, which can reduce noise and enhance the detection of biologically meaningful signals. In this section, we perform differential expression analysis using DESeq2 on pseudobulked data. DESeq2 is a tool for differential expression analysis, particularly well-suited for count data, which is the type of data we have after aggregating the spatial transcriptomics spots into pseudobulks. It employs a statistical model that accounts for variability in read counts while controlling for factors such as sample size and sequencing depth. This makes it particularly powerful in situations where we expect relatively small changes in gene expression but need to ensure robustness against noise, making it an ideal choice for our pseudobulk analysis.
In this case, we compare White Matter (aggregated expression from spots labeled as White Matter) versus the rest of the tissue (aggregated expression from spots belonging to all other cotrical layers). This binary comparison is straightforward yet powerful, as the White Matter in the brain is distinct from the cortical layers in terms of both structure and function. By comparing the gene expression in White Matter to that in all other layers, we aim to identify genes that are uniquely or predominantly expressed in White Matter and associated with its functions or pathologies
all_columns <- list()
# Function to process each sample and create a new matrix with WM vs. others
process_sample <- function(sample_name, pseudobulked_objs) {
counts_matrix <- pseudobulked_objs[[sample_name]]@assays[["Spatial"]]@layers[["counts"]]
counts_matrix <- as(counts_matrix, "dgCMatrix")
layer_info <- pseudobulked_objs[[sample_name]]@meta.data[["layer_guess"]]
white_matter_col <- which(layer_info == "WM")
other_counts <- rowSums(counts_matrix[, -white_matter_col])
white_matter_counts <- counts_matrix[, white_matter_col]
new_matrix <- cbind(white_matter_counts, other_counts)
colnames(new_matrix) <- c(paste0("white_matter_", sample_name), paste0("other_", sample_name))
# Process each sample and store the resulting matrices
for (sample in selected_samples) {
new_matrix <- process_sample(sample, pseudobulked_objs)
all_columns[[sample]] <- new_matrix
# Combine all processed matrices into a single matrix
combined_matrix <- do.call(cbind, all_columns)
rownames(combined_matrix) <- rownames(pseudobulked_objs[[1]])
# Create a dataframe for DESeq2 with sample and layer information
sample <- rep(selected_samples, each = 2)
layer <- rep(c('WM', 'others'), times = length(selected_samples))
new_dataframe <- data.frame(sample = sample, layer = layer)
rownames(new_dataframe) <- colnames(combined_matrix)
# Perform differential expression analysis using DESeq2
# Unfortunately, there are still dependency issues between DESeq2 and Seurat,
# so we recommend not running this part. To prevent execution, we wrap the code in an `if (FALSE)` statement.
#if (FALSE) {
# BiocManager::install("DESeq2")
# library(DESeq2)
dds <- DESeqDataSetFromMatrix(countData = combined_matrix,
colData = new_dataframe,
design = ~ layer + sample)
dds <- DESeq(dds)
[1] "Intercept" "layer_WM_vs_others"
[3] "sample_151669_vs_151508" "sample_151673_vs_151508"
res <- results(dds, name = "layer_WM_vs_others")
log2 fold change (MLE): layer WM vs others
Wald test p-value: layer WM vs others
DataFrame with 6 rows and 6 columns
baseMean log2FoldChange lfcSE stat pvalue padj
<numeric> <numeric> <numeric> <numeric> <numeric> <numeric>
MOBP 1364.273 3.04042 0.334509 9.08921 9.97603e-20 1.26825e-15
AQP1 160.269 3.22379 0.359589 8.96523 3.09639e-19 1.31215e-15
MBP 16027.210 2.72729 0.303229 8.99418 2.37995e-19 1.31215e-15
MOG 422.622 2.94064 0.357036 8.23624 1.77704e-16 5.64789e-13
MYRF 318.623 2.72961 0.338574 8.06208 7.50046e-16 1.90707e-12
NKX6-2 325.542 2.91717 0.368060 7.92579 2.26698e-15 4.80335e-12
We have selected to plot spatially the differentially expressed genes with the highest mean values, namely “MBP” and “MOBP”
plot_sample_expression <- function(sample, gene, sample_id) {
sample@meta.data$temp_feat <- sample@assays[["Spatial"]]$counts[gene,]
p1 <- SpatialFeaturePlot(sample, features = "temp_feat") +
ggtitle(paste("Spatial Expression of", gene, "in Sample", sample_id)) +
theme(plot.title = element_text(hjust = 0.5))
plot_layer_expression <- function(sample, sample_id) {
p1 <- SpatialDimPlot(sample, group.by = "layer_guess") +
ggtitle(paste("Layer guess of Sample", sample_id)) +
theme(plot.title = element_text(hjust = 0.5),
legend.text = element_text(size = 12))
# Plot and save the top DE genes across samples
plots <- list()
for (sample_id in selected_samples) {
p1 <- plot_sample_expression(st_objects[[sample_id]], "MOBP", sample_id)
p2 <- plot_sample_expression(st_objects[[sample_id]], "MBP" , sample_id)
p3 <- plot_layer_expression(st_objects[[sample_id]], sample_id)
combined <- p1 + p2 + p3
plots[[sample_id]] <- combined
# Combine and save plots
combined_plot <- wrap_plots(plots, ncol = 1)
As it is evident from the spatila distribution of the genes, they are mostly expressed specifically in the White Matter for all samples.
Other Considerations
We here explored the very basics of differential expression analysis and differential expression analysis with multiple samples. For batch correction procedures, such as those just mentioned, may remove biological variability along with technical variability. An alternative approach is to perform analyses within samples and then to perform meta-analysis across them. One intriguing possibility is to compare rank-based statistics across samples, which should be less susceptible to batch effects. Another is to cluster across samples based on overlapping sets of genes within intra-cluster samples. Such an approach has been applied in the “meta-programs” defined in cancer by Gavish and colleagues.
There is unlikely to be one turn-key approach to addressing the above issues. You will likely need to explore the data – and that exploration should be guided by some biological expectations that anchor your choices.
Key Points
- Differential expression testing pinpoints genes with significant expression variations across regions or clusters.
- Moran’s I statistic reveals spatial autocorrelation in gene expression, critical for examining spatially dependent biological activities.
- Moran’s I algorithm effectively identifies genes expressed in anatomically distinct regions, as validated from the correlation analysis with the DE genes from the annotated regions.
#{r echo=FALSE,include=FALSE} #save_seurat_object(obj = sct_st, file_prefix = 'detesting') #