Summary and Setup
This is a new lesson built with The Carpentries Workbench.
Data Sets
Download the data zip file and unzip it to your Desktop
Software Setup
Install Gcloud tools.
Open a Google Cloud SDK Shell window and run the following command:
gcloud compute ssh --zone "us-east1-b" "sumnergcp-controller" --tunnel-through-iap --project "jax-presgraves-edusumner2"
This will open another terminal window which will connect to the Google Cloud Platform (GCP).
Next, type the following command:
module load rstudio
This will produce the following message:
Rstudio 4.4.1 loaded. Use the command 'sbatch -w sumnergcp-computenodeset-1
rstudio-session.job' to start a new session on node 2. You can change the node
number if you want to run on a different node. The cluster has 30 compute nodes
ranging from 0 to 29
Follow the instructions in the message by typing the following command into the GCP window.
sbatch -w sumnergcp-computenodeset-1 rstudio-session.job
This will start a compute queue job which will be reported as:
Submitted batch job <N>
After about two minutes, you should see a file like this in your home directory:
View the contents of the file using teh cat
cat rstudio-server.job.<N>
You will be instructions which tell you how to access your GCP RStudio instance along with a user name and password.
> cat rstudio-server.job.53
RStudio server IP address:
The name of the compute instance running the server is sumnergcp-computenodeset-1
Follow the instaructions below to connect to your
rstudio instance:
1. point your web browser to
2. log in to RStudio Server using the following credentials:
user: dan_gatti_jax_org
password: Dw7Qr3ejbOwBmtOPHxQt
When done using RStudio Server, terminate the job by:
1. Exit the RStudio Session ("power" button in the top right corner of the RStudio window)
2. Issue the following command on the login node:
scancel -f 53
Install R packages:
{r eval=FALSE} install.packages(c('BiocManager', 'remotes', 'tidyverse', 'qtl2'))
Setup for different systems can be presented in dropdown menus via a
tag. They will join to this discussion block, so
you can give a general overview of the software used in this lesson here
and fill out the individual operating systems (and potentially add more,
e.g. online setup) in the solutions blocks.
Use Terminal