This lesson is still being designed and assembled (Pre-Alpha version)

Transcriptome Map of cis and trans eQTL


Teaching: 10 min
Exercises: 20 min
  • How do I create a full transcriptome map?


Load Libraries



Load Data

Load in the RNA-seq eQTL mapping results.

##loading previous results

Next, we need to format the column names of our eQTL results to that the ggtmap function can use the results.

lod_summary = dataset.islet.rnaseq$lod.peaks

# Get gene positions.
ensembl <- get_ensembl_genes()
df <- data.frame(ensembl    = ensembl$gene_id, 
                 gene_chr   = seqnames(ensembl), 
                 gene_start = start(ensembl) * 1e-6, 
                 gene_end   = end(ensembl)   * 1e-6,
                 stringsAsFactors = F)

# Create eQTL table for transcriptome map function.
lod_summary <- lod_summary %>% 
                 rename(  = "ensembl",
                        chrom     = "qtl_chr",
                        pos       = "qtl_pos",
                        lod       = "qtl_lod") %>% 
                 left_join(df, by = "ensembl") %>% 
                 mutate( = str_c(qtl_chr, qtl_pos * 1e6, sep = "_"),
                        gene_chr  = factor(gene_chr, levels = c(1:19, "X")),
                        qtl_chr   = factor(qtl_chr, levels = c(1:19, "X"))) %>% 
                 mutate(cis = if_else(qtl_chr == gene_chr & abs(gene_start - qtl_pos) < 4, "cis", "trans"))


Plot Transcriptome Map

In the previous lesson, we mapped the QTL locations of 50 genes. In this lesson, we will map the QTL positions of 39958 genes.

ggtmap(data = lod_summary %>% filter(qtl_lod >= 7.18), cis.points = TRUE, cis.radius = 4)

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-2

This transcriptome map is definitely a lot more crowded than the one in the previous lesson. Again, the gene locations are shown on the X-axis and the QTL locations are shown on the Y-axis.


What patterns among the points do you see in the transcriptome map?


There are at least two patterns. One is the dense diagonal line of cis-eQTL. The other is the increased density of QTL in vertical lines.


What would a vertical band in the transcriptome map mean?


A vertical band indicates that one locus regulates the expression of many genes.


What would a horizontal band in the transcriptome map mean?


A horizontal band would mean that one gene has strong QTL on many chromosomes. While one gene might be regulated by more than one locus, it is unlikely that dozens of loci would have strong QTL for one gene. So a horizontal band would mean that there is a problem with the data.

Look at the transcriptome map. How many vertical bands do you see and which chromosomes are they on?

QTL Density Plot

In the transcriptome map above, we noticed vertical banding patterns in the eQTL, which indicate that one locus may regulate the expression of dozens of genes. How many genes are regulated by each locus and which genes are they? In order to address this question, we need to make a plot of the density of eQTL along the genome. This is like stacking up the eQTL onto the X-axis.

We have provided a function to do this in the “gg_transcriptome_map.R” file in the “code” directory of this lesson. The function is called eqtl_density_plot and takes the following arguments:

This function has been designed to use the same data structure as we used to create the transcriptome map. First, we will look at the overall QTL density for all peaks with LOD > 7.18.

eqtl_density_plot(data = lod_summary, lod_thr = 7.18)
`summarise()` has grouped output by 'qtl_chr'. You can override using the `.groups` argument.
`summarise()` has grouped output by 'qtl_chr'. You can override using the `.groups` argument.
`summarise()` has grouped output by 'qtl_chr'. You can override using the `.groups` argument.
`summarise()` has grouped output by 'qtl_chr'. You can override using the `.groups` argument.

plot of chunk all_eqtl_density

There are clearly some loci that have an enrichment of eQTL. We have drawn a dashed line at “100” as an aribtrary cutoff as a potential cutoff to use when selecting peaks.

Compare this plot with the transcriptome map, in which we saw vertical bands of eQTL. Do the peaks in the eQTL density plot match the bands in the transcriptome map?

Next, we will look at the locations of the cis-eQTL. We must also select a LOD threshold. We will use 7.18 since this is what was used in the Keller et al. paper.

eqtl_density_plot(data = filter(lod_summary, cis == "cis"), lod_thr = 7.18)
`summarise()` has grouped output by 'qtl_chr'. You can override using the `.groups` argument.
`summarise()` has grouped output by 'qtl_chr'. You can override using the `.groups` argument.
`summarise()` has grouped output by 'qtl_chr'. You can override using the `.groups` argument.
`summarise()` has grouped output by 'qtl_chr'. You can override using the `.groups` argument.

plot of chunk cis_eqtl_density

In the plot above, there are many loci that have many genes associated with their expression. Some loci have over 100 genes associated with them. For example, there is a locus on chromosome 17 that may regulate over 100 genes. In this case, we are looking at cis-eQTL, QTL which are co-located with the gene. What might this mean biologically? Perhaps there is a mutation which causes a region of chromatin to open, which leads to increased expression of a set of genes. This increased expression may have biological consequences.

Next, we will create an eQTL density plot of the trans-eQTL. These are QTL for which the gene and QTL are far from each other.

eqtl_density_plot(data = filter(lod_summary, cis == "trans"), lod_thr = 7.18)
`summarise()` has grouped output by 'qtl_chr'. You can override using the `.groups` argument.
`summarise()` has grouped output by 'qtl_chr'. You can override using the `.groups` argument.
`summarise()` has grouped output by 'qtl_chr'. You can override using the `.groups` argument.
`summarise()` has grouped output by 'qtl_chr'. You can override using the `.groups` argument.

plot of chunk trans_eqtl_density

In this case, we see much taller peaks than in the cis-eQTL density plot and these peaks match the ones in the overall eQTL density plot.

There are many potential explanations for a trans-eQTL band. There may be a polymorphism in a transcription factor which alters the expression of many other genes. Or there may be a polymorphism that alters an amino acid and prevents it from binding properly to another protein in a signalling cascade. Biologists are often interested in these trans-eQTL bands, which are called “eQTL hotspots”. A set of over 100 genes with differential expression between genotypes may help us to understand the biology behind variation in higher level phenotypes. It is also possible that one of the genes with a cis-eQTL under the eQTL hotspot regulates the expression of the remaining hotspot genes.

Islet RNASeq eQTL Hotspots

Select eQTL Hotspots

There are several decisions to make when selecting eQTL hotspots. What LOD threshold should you use to select the genes that comprise hotspots? What number of genes should you use as a threshold to call a peak an eQTL hotspot? In this case, the authors select a LOD of 7.18 and decided that 100 trans-regulated genes was a useful threshold.

TBD: Add references for eQTL module selection. Possibly augment lesson?

In order to identify eQTL hotspots, we will look at the density of trans-eQTL along the genome using the density function. We will filter to retain QTL with LOD > 7.8 and will get the position on each chromosome with the highest density of eQTL.

qtl_dens = lod_summary %>%
             filter(qtl_lod > 7.18 & cis == 'trans') %>% 
             group_by(qtl_chr) %>% 
             summarize(dens_x = density(qtl_pos, adjust = 0.1)$x,
                       dens_y = density(qtl_pos, adjust = 0.1)$y) %>% 
             slice_max(dens_y, n = 1)
`summarise()` has grouped output by 'qtl_chr'. You can override using the
`.groups` argument.
# A tibble: 20 x 3
# Groups:   qtl_chr [20]
   qtl_chr dens_x dens_y
   <fct>    <dbl>  <dbl>
 1 1         40.0 0.0178
 2 2        164.  0.0797
 3 3        100.  0.0213
 4 4        136.  0.0246
 5 5        147.  0.114 
 6 6        125.  0.0530
 7 7         45.7 0.117 
 8 8         34.0 0.0420
 9 9        108.  0.0581
10 10       121.  0.0384
11 11        71.5 0.162 
12 12       113.  0.0626
13 13       112.  0.129 
14 14        19.6 0.0890
15 15        76.3 0.0765
16 16        57.0 0.0448
17 17        31.3 0.0442
18 18        12.1 0.0616
19 19        37.8 0.159 
20 X         50.4 0.0256

In the table above, there is one row per chromosome. ‘x’ is the position on each chromosome with the highest density of eQTL. ‘y’ is the density, which we needed to obtain the ‘x’ position but is not used further.

Now that we have the location of maximum eQTL density on each chromosome, we will count the number of eQTL within +/- 2 Mb of the center.

hotspots = left_join(lod_summary, select(qtl_dens, qtl_chr, dens_x)) %>% 
             filter(qtl_lod > 7.18 & cis == 'trans') %>% 
             mutate(pos_diff = abs(dens_x - qtl_pos)) %>% 
             filter(pos_diff <= 2) %>% 
             select(-pos_diff) %>% 
             rename(dens_x = 'center')
Joining, by = "qtl_chr"
             ensembl qtl_chr   qtl_pos   qtl_lod gene_chr
1 ENSMUSG00000037933 5_147253583       5 147.25358  8.581871       13
2 ENSMUSG00000037944 16_57539943      16  57.53994  7.496052       11
3 ENSMUSG00000037966 6_125504286       6 125.50429  9.288287       13
4 ENSMUSG00000037996 9_108975487       9 108.97549  8.870252        4
5 ENSMUSG00000038009 2_164027702       2 164.02770 13.722130       15
6 ENSMUSG00000038011 11_72996574      11  72.99657  8.085680        5
  gene_start  gene_end   cis    center
1   49.34158  49.38703 trans 147.17681
2   99.14420  99.15508 trans  57.03061
3   49.18748  49.19624 trans 125.27843
4   86.98312  87.23048 trans 108.41948
5   99.09317  99.10474 trans 163.96464
6  124.72508 124.83431 trans  71.47168

Now that we have a list of genes near the position of highest eQTL density on each chromosome, we can count the number of genes in each potential hotspot and retain the ones containing more than 100 genes.

hotspots = hotspots %>% 
             count(qtl_chr, center) %>% 
             filter(n >= 100)
kable(hotspots, caption = "Islet trans-eQTL hotspots")

Table: Islet trans-eQTL hotspots

qtl_chr center n
2 163.96464 197
5 147.17681 136
7 45.74287 125
11 71.47168 163
13 112.17218 108

Chr 11 eQTL Hotspot

From this analysis, we have identified five eQTL hotspots. Due to time constraints, we will not examine all of them in depth. We will look at the chromosome 11 eQTL hotspot in greater depth. It contains 163 trans-eQTL. First, we will get all of the genes with an eQTL in within +/- 2 Mb of the chromosome 11 eQTL hotspot.

chr11_mid =  hotspots %>% 
               filter(qtl_chr == '11') %>% 
chr11_eqtl = lod_summary %>% 
               filter(qtl_lod >  7.18 & 
                      qtl_chr == '11' & 
                      abs(chr11_mid - qtl_pos) < 2 &

Next, we will filter to retain the cis-eQTL in the same interval. It is possible that one or more genes near 71.5 Mb on chromosome 11 have a cis-eQTL, which in turn alters the expression of the trans-eQTL genes.

chr11_cis = chr11_eqtl %>% 
              filter(cis == 'cis')
kable(chr11_cis, caption = 'Chr 11 cis-eQTL')

Table: Chr 11 cis-eQTL

ensembl qtl_chr qtl_pos qtl_lod gene_chr gene_start gene_end cis
ENSMUSG00000038046 11_73111862 11 73.11186 9.418198 11 76.24371 76.25062 cis
ENSMUSG00000038195 11_71859513 11 71.85951 22.038342 11 75.51009 75.51317 cis
ENSMUSG00000038268 11_73171837 11 73.17184 73.706247 11 75.17594 75.17884 cis
ENSMUSG00000038351 11_73111862 11 73.11186 10.562423 11 74.84926 74.89706 cis
ENSMUSG00000040483 11_72314268 11 72.31427 52.999651 11 72.30163 72.31373 cis
ENSMUSG00000040554 11_72040688 11 72.04069 18.837109 11 72.02796 72.03751 cis
ENSMUSG00000040599 11_71418821 11 71.41882 38.560032 11 71.01961 71.02737 cis
ENSMUSG00000040667 11_71354568 11 71.35457 21.371028 11 70.94306 70.96997 cis
ENSMUSG00000040746 11_70750402 11 70.75040 40.707077 11 70.64723 70.65142 cis
ENSMUSG00000040904 11_71120660 11 71.12066 13.954750 11 70.23521 70.23983 cis
ENSMUSG00000040938 11_70616235 11 70.61624 21.419463 11 70.21275 70.21642 cis
ENSMUSG00000041165 11_72512588 11 72.51259 14.412941 11 69.82088 69.82218 cis
ENSMUSG00000041329 11_69796313 11 69.79631 13.450483 11 69.59974 69.60594 cis
ENSMUSG00000041346 11_69542556 11 69.54256 21.965771 11 69.56176 69.58025 cis
ENSMUSG00000043602 11_70750402 11 70.75040 8.038654 11 70.76421 70.77293 cis
ENSMUSG00000044367 11_70609170 11 70.60917 14.453236 11 70.21679 70.22106 cis
ENSMUSG00000046731 11_69924127 11 69.92413 24.173013 11 69.87826 69.88141 cis
ENSMUSG00000047284 11_72989681 11 72.98968 7.856942 11 69.90107 69.91382 cis
ENSMUSG00000050675 11_71354568 11 71.35457 43.000217 11 70.63912 70.64204 cis
ENSMUSG00000053574 11_72210521 11 72.21052 40.827446 11 72.21514 72.21844 cis
ENSMUSG00000055670 11_72601385 11 72.60138 14.770236 11 72.79623 72.92712 cis
ENSMUSG00000057054 11_69810287 11 69.81029 20.916548 11 70.68836 70.70015 cis
ENSMUSG00000057135 11_69978753 11 69.97875 11.966446 11 70.79093 70.81259 cis
ENSMUSG00000057778 11_72944065 11 72.94406 36.253118 11 72.77723 72.79614 cis
ENSMUSG00000059796 11_69592546 11 69.59255 24.995852 11 69.66694 69.67242 cis
ENSMUSG00000060216 11_71198629 11 71.19863 19.656292 11 70.43264 70.44083 cis
ENSMUSG00000060600 11_69978753 11 69.97875 56.825370 11 70.65720 70.66251 cis
ENSMUSG00000069814 11_73111862 11 73.11186 14.586188 11 74.61961 74.64152 cis
ENSMUSG00000069830 11_71120660 11 71.12066 130.829473 11 71.09224 71.14470 cis
ENSMUSG00000069835 11_69768364 11 69.76836 54.752195 11 69.62202 69.62387 cis
ENSMUSG00000070390 11_69978753 11 69.97875 11.205844 11 71.15310 71.23073 cis
ENSMUSG00000070394 11_69924127 11 69.92413 9.059992 11 69.83851 69.83962 cis
ENSMUSG00000084139 11_71793079 11 71.79308 16.754042 11 70.90926 70.90964 cis
ENSMUSG00000085178 11_69484146 11 69.48415 14.780695 11 69.40151 69.40270 cis
ENSMUSG00000018286 11_69829176 11 69.82918 12.644749 11 70.52537 70.52786 cis
ENSMUSG00000018442 11_71354568 11 71.35457 24.331853 11 71.00716 71.01984 cis
ENSMUSG00000018446 11_71937774 11 71.93777 13.821042 11 70.97784 70.98303 cis
ENSMUSG00000018449 11_71443287 11 71.44329 15.495242 11 70.97021 70.97783 cis
ENSMUSG00000018451 11_71120660 11 71.12066 66.532115 11 71.03194 71.03351 cis
ENSMUSG00000018559 11_69663280 11 69.66328 8.892792 11 69.98116 69.99060 cis
ENSMUSG00000018565 11_70728481 11 70.72848 10.131916 11 69.96822 69.98252 cis
ENSMUSG00000018566 11_69876397 11 69.87640 17.154645 11 69.94254 69.94819 cis
ENSMUSG00000086976 11_69810287 11 69.81029 9.754274 11 70.61121 70.61321 cis
ENSMUSG00000087523 11_71782692 11 71.78269 7.895661 11 70.65474 70.65649 cis
ENSMUSG00000089876 11_69484146 11 69.48415 14.365592 11 69.80360 69.80562 cis
ENSMUSG00000018570 11_69876397 11 69.87640 10.841222 11 69.89735 69.90099 cis
ENSMUSG00000018740 11_69505599 11 69.50560 9.305293 11 68.96813 68.97437 cis
ENSMUSG00000018750 11_70785072 11 70.78507 10.780532 11 69.76591 69.78402 cis
ENSMUSG00000018752 11_69484146 11 69.48415 19.739891 11 69.68258 69.69610 cis
ENSMUSG00000018761 11_69796313 11 69.79631 13.644976 11 69.65670 69.66264 cis
ENSMUSG00000018765 11_69810287 11 69.81029 11.424120 11 69.63299 69.65330 cis
ENSMUSG00000018923 11_71449172 11 71.44917 10.540510 11 70.45192 70.45373 cis
ENSMUSG00000000320 11_69844926 11 69.84493 29.387372 11 70.24146 70.25535 cis
ENSMUSG00000093989 11_71429405 11 71.42941 24.860846 11 70.23812 70.23984 cis
ENSMUSG00000019461 11_73196729 11 73.19673 7.312520 11 69.84638 69.85206 cis
ENSMUSG00000097328 11_69796313 11 69.79631 25.915259 11 69.68625 69.69585 cis
ENSMUSG00000020783 11_73079353 11 73.07935 20.382003 11 73.04778 73.08932 cis
ENSMUSG00000020785 11_73034987 11 73.03499 15.100649 11 73.01901 73.04207 cis
ENSMUSG00000020787 11_73002626 11 73.00263 9.314557 11 72.99910 73.01520 cis
ENSMUSG00000020788 11_73111862 11 73.11186 7.497799 11 72.96117 72.99304 cis
ENSMUSG00000020794 11_72040688 11 72.04069 9.550537 11 72.60728 72.68648 cis
ENSMUSG00000020799 11_72366456 11 72.36646 73.157007 11 72.34472 72.36244 cis
ENSMUSG00000020801 11_72210521 11 72.21052 28.775964 11 72.21172 72.21559 cis
ENSMUSG00000020803 11_71859513 11 71.85951 12.298288 11 72.20755 72.21001 cis
ENSMUSG00000020808 11_71782692 11 71.78269 7.709167 11 72.04203 72.04737 cis
ENSMUSG00000020811 11_71782692 11 71.78269 28.561910 11 71.74992 71.78965 cis
ENSMUSG00000020817 11_71354568 11 71.35457 11.510839 11 70.84478 70.94311 cis
ENSMUSG00000020827 11_70661194 11 70.66119 18.670941 11 70.56288 70.61448 cis
ENSMUSG00000020828 11_71354568 11 71.35457 25.935898 11 70.54006 70.55811 cis
ENSMUSG00000020884 11_70785072 11 70.78507 10.521628 11 70.05409 70.05789 cis
ENSMUSG00000020886 11_73046018 11 73.04602 9.613890 11 70.01694 70.04752 cis
ENSMUSG00000001583 11_69837051 11 69.83705 103.526684 11 69.85101 69.85873 cis
ENSMUSG00000005198 11_69796313 11 69.79631 10.102583 11 69.73400 69.75864 cis
ENSMUSG00000005204 11_69782339 11 69.78234 13.126534 11 69.67311 69.68208 cis
ENSMUSG00000005947 11_73079353 11 73.07935 16.341791 11 73.09058 73.14745 cis
ENSMUSG00000005949 11_73146945 11 73.14695 20.545167 11 73.18360 73.19904 cis

As you can see, there are 76 cis-eQTL genes under the chromosome 11 eQTL hotspot. This is a large number of candidate genes to screen. There may be more genes with non-synonymous, splice, or stop mutations under the eQTL hotspot as well. The Sanger Mouse Genomes website has been removed and we are uncertain if it will be replaced. There are two websites where you can find this information:

  1. Ensembl: Once you search for a gene, you can select the “Variant Table” under “Genetic Variation” in the left navigation panel.
  2. Founder Variant Search: You can use this site to search for variants in specific genes or genomic intervals.

Next, we will get the expression of the genes in the chromosome 11 eQTL hotspot. The expression data is a numeric matrix, so we will use the colnames to filter the genes.

chr11_genes = dataset.islet.rnaseq$expr[,chr11_eqtl$ensembl]

Next, we will join the eQTL and expression data and write it out to a file. This way you will have all of the data for the hotspot in one place.

chr11_expr = tibble(ensembl = colnames(chr11_genes),
chr11_all = left_join(chr11_eqtl, chr11_expr, by = 'ensembl')

write_csv(chr11_all, file = file.path('../results/', 'chr11_eqtl_genes.csv'))

Key Points

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