Introduction to the Data Set

  • Leptinob/ob mice do now produce insulin and become obese due to overeating.
  • This study crossed mice carrying the Leptinob/ob mutation in C57BL/6J and BTBR T+ tf/J.
  • C57BL/6J mice are resistant to diabetes and BTBR mice are susceptible.
  • By crossing these two strains, the authors aimed to identify genes which influence susceptibility to T2D.

Input File Format

  • QTL mapping data consists of a set of tables of data: marker genotypes, phenotypes, marker maps, etc.
  • These different tables are in separate comma-delimited (CSV) files.
  • In each file, the first column is a set of IDs for the rows, and the first row is a set of IDs for the columns.
  • In addition to primary data, a separate file with control parameters (or metadata) in either YAML or JSON format is required.
  • Published and public data already formatted for QTL mapping are available on the web.
  • These data can be used as a model for formatting your own QTL data.

Calculating Genotype Probabilities

  • The first step in QTL analysis is to calculate genotype probabilities.
  • Calculate genotype probabilities between genotyped markers with calc_genoprob().

Performing a genome scan

  • A qtl2 genome scan requires genotype probabilities and a phenotype matrix.
  • The output from a genome scan contains a LOD score matrix, map positions, and phenotypes.
  • LOD curve plots for a genome scan can be viewed with plot_scan1().

Calculating A Kinship Matrix

  • Kinship matrices account for relationships among individuals.
  • Kinship is calculated as the proportion of shared alleles between individuals.
  • Kinship calculation is a precursor to a genome scan via a linear mixed model.

Performing a genome scan with a linear mixed model

  • “To perform a genome scan with a linear mixed model, supply a kinship matrix.”
  • “Different mapping and kinship calculation methods give different results.”

Performing a genome scan with binary traits

  • “A genome scan for binary traits (0 and 1) requires special handling; scans for non-binary traits assume normal variation of the residuals.”
  • “A genome scan for binary traits is performed with logistic regression.”

Performing a permutation test

  • “A permutation test establishes the statistical significance of a genome scan.”

Finding QTL peaks

  • LOD peaks and support intervals can be identified with find_peaks().
  • The Bayesian Credible Interval estimates the width of the support interval around a QTL peak.

Estimating QTL effects

  • “Estimated founder allele effects can be plotted from the mapping model coefficients.”
  • “Additive and dominance effects can be plotted using contrasts.”

Integrating Gene Expression Data

  • Use .md files for episodes when you want static content
  • Use .Rmd files for episodes when you need to generate output
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  • Run sandpaper::build_lesson() to preview your lesson locally

QTL Mapping in Diversity Outbred Mice

  • There are generally five steps to QTL mapping in DO mice:
    • map the trait,
    • perform permutations,
    • find significant peaks,
    • calculate founder allele effects at the QTL peak,
    • perform association mapping to narrow the gene candidates.
  • You may need to bring in outside resources to help narrow your candidate gene list.
  • You will need the 10 GB SNP database to perform association mapping.