Introduction to the Data Set

Figure 1

Figure showing Type 2 diabetes & insulin. Created in

Figure 2

Figure showing intercross breeding design.

Input File Format

Figure 1

Table showing the mouse genotypes as BB, BR, and RR.
Attie Sample Genotypes

Figure 2

Figure showing the colors and letter codes of the CC/DO founders.
CC and DO Founder Alleles

Figure 3

Figure showing CC and DO genomes
Example Collaborative Cross and Diversity Outbred genomes

Figure 4

Table showing the marker, chromosome, and centimorgan position for five markers
Attie Genetic Map

Figure 5

Table showing top five rows of physical marker map.
Attie Physical Map

Figure 6

Table showing top five rows of phenotype table, including insulin
Attie Phenotypes

Figure 7

Table showing the top five rows of covariates table
Attie Covariates

Figure 8

Attie Control File{alt=‘Figure showing the qtl2 control file’, width=75%}

Calculating Genotype Probabilities

Figure 1

Genotype probabilities must be calculated between typed markers; adapted from Broman & Sen, 2009{‘a chromosome with two typed markers labeled BR and RR with a locus of unknown genotype between them’}

Figure 2

Figure showing three-dimensional array of genotype probabilities (genoprobs)
Three-dimensional genotype probabilities array

Figure 3

See this page for a graphical review of data structures in R{‘a web page showing R data structures including one-dimensional vectors and lists, two dimensional dataframes and matrices, and n-dimensional arrays’}.

Figure 4

Figure 5

Figure 6

Genotype and allele probabilities{‘a table showing the probabilities for each of 36 genotypes in the Diversity Outbred followed by a second table showing probabilities for each of the 8 founder alleles’}

Performing a genome scan

Figure 1

adapted from Broman & Sen, 2009
adapted from Broman & Sen, 2009

Figure 2

Squared error for a single data pointThe line of best fit minimizes the sum of squared errors

Figure 3

Figure 4

Figure 5

Figure 6

Figure 7

Calculating A Kinship Matrix

Figure 1

Performing a genome scan with a linear mixed model

Figure 1

Figure 2

Figure 3

Performing a genome scan with binary traits

Figure 1

Figure 2

Figure 3

Performing a permutation test

Figure 1

Figure 2

Significance Thresholds with/without Kinship{alt=“Comparison of significane threholds”,width=“50%”}

Figure 3

Significance Threshold Variance{alt=“Figure showing decreasing variance of significance threshold estimates with increasing permutations”,width=75%}

Finding QTL peaks

Figure 1

Estimating QTL effects

Figure 1

Figure 2

Figure 3

Figure 4

Figure 5

Figure 6

Figure 7

Figure 8

Figure 9

Figure 10

Figure 11

Integrating Gene Expression Data

Figure 1

Figure 2

Figure 3

Figure 4

QTL Mapping in Diversity Outbred Mice

Figure 1

Benzene study dosing showing 6 hours per day, 5 days per week of inhalation.
Benzene Study Dosing

Figure 2

Figure 3

Figure 4

Figure 5

Figure 6

Figure 7

Figure 8

Figure 9

Figure 10

Figure 11

Figure 12

Figure 13

SNP Imputation{alt=“Figure showing haplotypes being used to impute founder SNPs onto DO genomes.”,width=75%}

Figure 14

Bone Marrow MN-RET Association Mapping{alt=“Plot showing LOD of each SNP in QTL interval”,width=100%}

Figure 15

Bone Marrow MN-RET Association Mapping{alt=“Plot showing LOD of each SNP in QTL interval with genes below”,width=100%}

Figure 16

Bone Marrow MN-RET Association Mapping{alt=“Plot showing LOD of each SNP in QTL interval with genes below and strain distribution pattern above”,width=100%}

Figure 17

Sult3a1/Sult3a2 Liver eQTL{Figure showing LOD plots of Sult3a1 & 2 and CAST-specific haplotype effects}

Figure 18

Ensembl gene tree of Sult3a1 & Sult3a2{Figure showing that Sult3a1 & 2 are paralogs}

Figure 19

Ensembl Structural Variants{alt=“Ensembl viewer showing genes and structural variants under that chromosome 10 QTL peak”,width=100%}

Figure 20

Ensembl Structural Variants{alt=“Ensembl viewer showing genes and structural variants under that chromosome 10 QTL peak”,width=100%}

Figure 21

DO Founder BAM file pileups{alt=“Figure showing CAST with a duplication at the Sult3a1/2 locus.”,width=100%}

Figure 22

Benezene metabolism pathways{alt=“Figure showing benezene metabolism pathways”,width=100%}

Figure 23

Benzene metabolism hypothesis{alt=“Figure showing mice carrying the CAST allele being protected from benezene toxicity”,width=100%}

Figure 24

Figure 25

Figure 26